Snowmaking FAQ

Answers to common snowmaking-related questions!

How does the snowmaking process work?

Our equipment uses compressed air and pressurized water to create the conditions necessary for small water droplets to form ice crystals. High-pressure water is necessary to create small water droplets, which increases the total surface area exposed to the surrounding atmosphere, allowing the water to cool quickly. After cooling, these water droplets interact with tiny ice particles produced by an atomized mixture of compressed air and a small amount of water. Upon contact with the small ice crystals, the larger water droplets can freeze into larger ice particles, which then fall to the ground as snow.


Is man-made snow real?

Yes, the snow is real! The snowmaking process produces small ice crystals in a similar manner to how these crystals would form naturally in the atmosphere. The ice crystals produced by our snowmaking equipment are quite small – about the size of large grains of sand – so the snow is slightly denser than natural snow, which is perfect for making snowballs, snowmen, igloos, and sledding hills. The snow is produced from your home’s water supply, so it is perfectly safe. The snow melts slower than natural snowfall of the same depth, so the snow will last for several days to weeks, even through warm weather.


How cold does it have to be to make snow?

Snowmaking can usually begin when the temperature is around 29°F. Specifically, the wet bulb temperature (accounting for evaporative cooling effects) must be below 28°F. At this temperature, the snow produced is usually quite slushy in nature. At lower temperatures (below 20°F), the snow becomes powdery and piles up quickly.


How much snow can you make?

The amount of snow produced in any given snowmaking session depends on a number of factors. The amount of water used directly impacts snow output; more water = more snow. Assuming water flow is constant, the primary factor is temperature. In warmer conditions, our equipment can produce 1-2″ per hour in a 25′ x 50′ area. In cold conditions, especially in the lower teens and single digits, we can produce 5-8″ per hour. On a calm, cold night, we can produce several 2-3′ high piles.

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